The Aerosmith are making their World Tour 2007, and after being in Mexico City, Sao Paulo, Paris, Brussels, London, Dublin, Moscow, Helsinki, Toronto and Dubai (Among others) was more than obvious that they were to make a beautiful concert also Mansfield !
Mansfield, for the uninitiated, is the wonderful town that is home to me now 11 months. According to Wikipedia is 22,414 inhabitants, and is quite a hole, but Aerosmith, have well thought of coming here to do their concert!
thanking you for the kind visit , I could not help but reciprocate and go to see them. I wish he was my love with me, so you can finally bring to a concert of his favorite band, but as they could, I sacrificed myself!
The place where it was made The concert is called Tweeter Center, and is a huge arena, partially covered (for those with money) and partly not (for the poor by $ 85 like me). It was packed with people.
I did some video, I put a couple here. The first is to Dream On:
This second video is rather the end of the concert, with a piece of presentations :
I have a thousand others, but maybe not put them all! :)