Yesterday at 15:12
Your support, trust and affection that we are demonstrating, even more so at this time, are moving especially valuable. There are truly grateful.
We ask that a further effort, not to waste the energy and declare your support for our Emergency through official channels. It will help us to understand more easily how many of us, and to collect all your messages of solidarity.
site emergency:
facebook profile:
profile on twitter: emergency_ong /
We also ask you to avoid personal or group actions that offend anyone or which may jeopardize the Emergency contacts that taking steps to free the three operators.
Thank you for your support.
Bad news for Beppe Grillo less than fifteen days from the last regional elections, where he recorded his debut of his "Movement 5 Stars" we see fall into the hands of the bad history Lazio town of Grottaferrata, 20 thousand inhabitants in the province of Rome, where his non-party is found to support the ballot, scheduled for Sunday and Monday, the candidate of the People of Freedom Sergio Conti .
the first round, contemporary regional elections, the deployment of the center in support of Gabriele Mori, Pd, IDV, FDS is a civic list, had acquired 29.65% against 29.53% of PDL, UDC and lists civic activities. In third place
Marco Bosso, supported by the outgoing mayor and only three civic lists that have put together 27% of the vote.
travel alone, as his custom, the movement in support of 5 stars Carla Pisani.
Carla Pisani, a few days ago, decided, in view of the upcoming ballot, to announce a manifesto attacking the streets of the city that would support the pidiellino M5S Sergio Conti because, unlike his opponent, "has shown over for the votes obtained "by the movement of grillini.
A choice, however, that did not go down to the militants of the party who issued no statement un'infuocata, to remind the citizenry that "it is obvious that the attachment posted in Grottaferrata is a clear support for the candidate center, which is totally opposed to the neutral position taken so far by the Movement to five stars, of which the civic lists are an expression. "
But it is not only to create problems for the newborn Lazio M5S. In Emilia Romagna, in fact, with the candidate all'exploit grillino Giovanni Favia, the movement has two elected councilors, the second of which, according to law, should have been chosen by that same Favia, however, decided to convene a meeting of forty "delegates" who voted for the election of Andrea De Franceschi.
pity that the newly elected Council had received less than the other candidate preferences in the list, Sandra Poppi, for which the confidence of voters will not be enough to secure a place in the regional council.
"I chose to share this responsibility with the base. - Favia said - If I had chosen I would like all other politicians. " A bit of a discovery of hot water whereas in all the parties where there is a democratic plebiscite is not always the decisions are taken by democratically elected assemblies and executive bodies.
"With regard to preferences - he tried to justify the leader grillino - you can not compare them and make it an absolute requirement because they are acquired in two separate colleges, with a different number of candidates in the race and with a very different environmental conditions. I at Bologna, for example I attracted all preferences list and the candidates did not campaign for themselves but for all the group. Beautiful is not it?! We have some ethics. In other provinces, legitimately, have made another choice. "
I wonder if, when faced with a situation which resulted in perhaps the PDL or the Democratic Party, some grillino not have railed against the decisions of the oligarchies that do not take into account the votes of voters, perhaps exposing the internal power games of the parties themselves.
The history of the left since the war today and the 'full "crickets"
always and fully suited to power the "crickets" are not as
goal of "to win" but to "make lose!
They are also convinced of the good faith of almost all the militants
"grillini" but the stress ALMOST!
Luca Bagordo
the difference between PD and PDL is really non-existent, the only thing that needs
do the movement is to go straight to
own way, as it is already doing, then readers / hits
achieved only low to destabilize
MoVement voters there will certainly !
'WAS GIVEN FREEDOM' TO VOTE show that PDL shared some
" by sharing the knowledge!
Paola Angelini
ciro would explode if that were not the case in
forum meet up calling even VERY HEAVY ..
Alessio Aru
How strange, they say they are neither right nor left, but
Favia has labeled the issue as political gossip
on Ru846. Take a position not
mean in politics?
The same can be said about their cabal
honesty and transparency towards the citizens, in Emilia-Romagna in the choice of the second
Regional Council did not take into account the will of the voters
, was the "central committee" of grillini composed
40 people, to decide.
wonder how they would react if such a thing grillini
had happened in any other party.
Flavio Pedrini
Maria Perrotta
even went so Termoli
Alessio Aru
Congratulations Flavio, who then asked to respect the will of the voters
is simply one who yells for the seats?
These are post-democratic discourse, by sect.
Gabriele Baffi
Sorry, but because some of you had doubts on the face of Cricket?
Walking and Talking against the center-left government, since
climbed the center-right has once again silenced his
outputs are now all "velvet" as if it all now goes well!
And then I think that if a person is not a hypocrite (and I doubt
Grillo not) go down in politics does not directly
by thugs! Cricket if you want to
policy sets directly, put his face and not the mask!
Delia Giant
that strange ... I made a comment to another comment
: that comment is gone and my comment below
another that did not concern him ....
Anthony Fasano
I'm sorry for all those who still believe in the left
Alessio Aru
Favia So, after all, is in agreement with the law porcellum,
are the "Central Committee" to decide who should be elected
not the preferences of citizens. Furthermore, in a moment of delirium tremens
, answering those who asked
explanations on the choice of the second advisor, said:
"back to the parties."
Umberto Biasetti
congratulations! Lucia Riva
do not believe it!
Placidi Charles Belin
you have sold his soul to the devil for pride.!
Hortensius Longo jump cricket
Giorgio Pani
nothing new under the sun! we do not sell to the power!
be made consistent choices! A dish of lentils
makes your dignity'!!!!!!
Marco Rabboni
But delusional comments I read! Apart from some common sense
seems to me that many are going crazy! But do you not
right or the left means never to say anything?
not be part of the means to take independent positions
speeches from the right or left.
Have you read the sign? He says simply that the candidate of the center-right
was willing to talk with them, while the other does not.
There may be controversy, that's the beauty of a democratic movement
Doing the right thing, do the interests of citizens is not easy
how the economic interests of the usual suspects.
Try to get together with friends in gambissima
to organize something will jump out
diversity of views and opinions, it is normal!
But we want to stop reading only the titles and comments
without a second thought?
There is even a comment where it seems that Favia
have violated any rules asking for "help" to a delegation instead
decide for yourself! :)
Alessio Marco Aru
Rabboni, sin Favia and his delegation
have not respected the will of the voters, but could do so.
I see that you like Berlusconi, always ready to deny the obvious.
Campili Massimo dear George
The fact that after a mess of pottage
also can follow the outline, the sweet, and so on .....
seems to me that it turns turns ..... kill kill ....
Marisa Dal Maso
hard-core: first or later (and unfortunately) begin to show
their nature.
Bice Parodi
the lack of 'ideologia'porta these accadimenti.sparare
to zero at all without a program and not knowing where to go and
' only demagogy.
politics and 'a serious matter, not to be confused with party
Valerio Giodini
A lesson for any politician!! Chapeau!
Marco Alessio, but what you mean? What does what you write
you with what I wrote? But you read my comment?
What do you mean?
What "evidence" I would be denying? And especially because uses
the "you" turning to me?!? Or to those who do you turn?
Marco Rabboni
Anyway here is more of a frenzy of mass out of 10 comments
is already so if there is one that says something meaningful ... : (Yesterday at 22:19
· SegnalaFrancesco Rubeo The problem is not the
parties or movements or civic lists.
The real problem is people ....
Alessio Mazzucchelli
some connection with "Animal Farm" by Orwell? !?
Gilbert Facchinetti
I'm with my listeners in the face ..... .... and this means that 'high politics ....
Roberto Palmucci
Unfortunately (or fortunately) does not interfere Beppe on these choices, it also happened in
my city and I was councilor candidate.
He does not care if you ally with the devil, our
is a restricted passage through time. Come on, we propose, we give some ideas and hello.
In the medium to long term I assure you that it works today
(unthinkable a few months ago) is making up our common
different choices, try to believe.
Silvia Salamon
A Swiss research has tested the waves produced by low-energy lamps
are dangerous for human body under 30 cm
Stefano Orlandi With this policy difficult to remain pure in action
Lucio Di Alessio Raimondo
are infested with "pigs"
Umberto I see no scandal. The important thing is to find those who adhere to
points of the program. if he does not do it ... tagliamogli captures the ... ;)
Franco Catinella
perhaps would do better to choose a side now .....
otherwise indifference and worse!
Arturo Di Corinto
bad choices, but its ugly ...
Nikita Russki mica we had understood that Grillo tifava fascist!
Alfredo Edo Agnellini
ally with those who support your program does not mean to share his or
addiriture acquire political ideologies!
It 'clear that it is not M5S DX SX but it has one purpose
I hope it will achieve!
Alfredo Edo Agnellini
who yells for the chairs, and 'only interested in those
"Even our movement is not' immune
by people who seek only" seats.
Fear not however ', are getting to see for themselves!
If tomorrow you read on some newspaper or some
friend will tell you 'that we argue for the seats and
that we are equal to other parties,
remember and remind them that the two councilors 5 Star
Emilia Romagna to provide each six months of their resignation to
base that will choose '
assessing their work and behavior and that they will reduce
salary to below the threshold of privilege;
the other parties are ready to do the same?
We do not move for personal gain. We do
chasing a collective dream.
remember that you can find here:
The path information part which led to the choice of the second
Regional Council of the Movement .
Unfortunately not on some press tomorrow will write 'something else.
Stay tuned and share the note! il tam tam orizzontale e' la
nostra unica risorsa.
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