Friday, July 16, 2010

Congrats On The Baby Email

Costa Smeralda for all: the dream attainable

of tobacco
pamela picture Antonio Mazzarelli

● ● ● "What ever c'avrà 'is the Emerald Coast! "I wonder as I read the comments in many forums that the praise. There is only one way to find out. We book.

Fears of finish victims of obsessive desire of the good life without being able never be part of it now leaves the place with a passion for the sea and the wilderness where there was room for us, we did not have a yacht, or the money or the desire to "dense" someone with a boat license who leads us beside the yacht of Briatore, to spy on his life as a cover.

A typical day of a tourist emerald, the house rented the same month, in the same place, (change in Sardinia is out) provides a clock at 11.00, aspirin for headaches any hangover, a breakfast of whole slices and yogurt. Following the careful selection of shorts to match the costume to match the shoes, which (coupled with little or no matter) alongside a Louis Vuitton beach. As for you men, you have in mind that to have any chance with the damsels of the place can not reach the beach without a shirt of white linen.
The day the sea runs quiet, including sunbathing, playing beach volleyball and a boat ride. At 20.00 a quick shower in the room and dinner to a restaurant where every waiter seems to be a cousin, an uncle, a friend. Sitting over a plate of pasta, fish, salad discussing the new neighbor's boat, the adventures of the son who had a gift to the age of eighteen years a new car for avoid take of the Popes (reporting faithfully what I saw and heard).

At 21.30 the streets of small towns are deserted: the emerald tourists are in the room to rest and prepare for the long night at the disco. In all this, I that I went to Sardinia to the sea and landscapes, I felt out of place sometimes, and sometimes amused by talk that seemed to come out of a movie with Jerry Cala and Guido Nickel (aka Zampetti Commendatore). I actually enjoyed watching from the alien life that went in the opposite direction to mine, down to the beach to ten, with flip-flops and straw bags, easy to park and enjoy the silence of a deserted beach, swim in and eat a sandwich a sea dream having the impression of being lost in a desert island.
Add in a B & B with stunning views of the sunset and the kindness of the hosts, and here the Costa Smeralda in the heart will remain forever. ■ ■ ■

Save money without too many sacrifices

Travel Book as soon as possible by ferry from Civitavecchia, even three months before. Two adults in a deck, plus car: € 60.00 A / R. ● Where to stay

Choose one central location that is Porto Cervo, Baia Sardinia is ideal. Choose a B & B, I recommend this:

Eat breakfast and lunch sandwiches. For dinner, there are everywhere of pizzerias and restaurants offering a wide choice for every wallet. You will find the "pizza Berlusconi" with oysters and caviar 400.00 €, but for those who are content with a mere whim, spending would be sustainable.

Beaches The temptation to enter the Beach Billionaire Flavio is strong, do not make the mistake of parking at a beach. The beach is not reinforced, it can be accessed from any public beach next door. It will be easy to meet Flavio and Elisabetta taking a coffee at the bar. If you love peace, patience, and armed with map and venture out on the country roads: splendid bays await you everywhere.

Movida not really be a problem to choose the place for crazy nights on the beach every day tens of PR you will flood of tickets, discounts, invitations to all local Costa.


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